Friday 29 July 2011

Doodle and Google

Doodle was new to me and using it was straightforward. I liked the features and it was really easy to use. Crucially though, I think would imagine it works best with a large group of people or for when the meeting and a time frame is already agreed. When I tried it, the lack of an option for "not" this time and an undefined time span essentially meant we had to confirm by email in the end anyway, thereby doubling the things we had to do. A good example in how not to use technology purely for the sake of it. I think that it would be a useful thing to use when n>2 because the number of emails required to get all to confirm rises exponentially.

I love google docs. I have been using them for years. Recently I have used it to help my brother apply for university by being allowed to view and edit his applications and I am maintaining a spreadsheet with my sister as we plan our next adventure - a hike in Finland during the midnight sun next year. I didn't know that you could embed google docs. That's something I want to try in the future.

Next week: sharing.

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